Discuss how you want your family to be different from your family of origin, as well as which aspects you want to replicate. 谈谈你想让你的家庭和原来有什么不同,以及你想保留的方面。
Purchases are often made not just by individuals but on behalf of groups of investors or numerous family members, further obscuring the origin of the funds. 购买公寓的通常不光是个人,还有投资者团体和大量的购房者家庭成员,这让购房资金的来源变得更加模糊。
After those studies, Laing found that family is the real origin of mental disorder. 通过上述研究莱因发现,家庭或社会才是精神疾病的真正来源。
There are many reasons that motivate people towards the various styles including family of origin experience ( what did their parents do?), fear of engulfment or the opposite, fear of abandonment. 激发他们朝不同关系类型的许多原因,包括家庭出身,经验(他们父母工作是?)
In present-day China most of them may be placed in the petty-bourgeois category, judging by their family origin, their living conditions and their political outlook. 但是从他们的家庭出身看,从他们的生活条件看,从他们的政治立场看,现代中国知识分子和青年学生的多数是可以归入小资产阶级范畴的。
Because career development is a lifelong process," family of origin development is a lifelong process"," family of origin continues to have an influence through the life span ". 由于职业发展是一个终身的过程,(由于)“在出身家庭的成长是一个终身的过程”,(因此)“出身家庭对一个人的影响会持续一辈子”。
The family had its origin in Canada. 这家祖上是加拿大人。
On Comparative Methods in the Altaic Language Family from the Origin of Numeral "One" 从数词一词源谈阿尔泰语系语言比较方法
They used this and other HIV-1 genetic sequences to construct a family tree of the origin of the viral strain and to estimate the time of origin of HIV-1 group M. 他们利用这个遗传序列与其他HIV-1的遗传序列构建出起源病毒株的家系图,并以此估算出HIV-1M组的起源时间。
Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, and their gifted sister Anne Bronte came from a large family of Irish origin. 夏洛蒂。布朗蒂,艾米丽。布朗蒂,安妮。布朗蒂三姐妹出生于爱尔兰裔的大户人家。
There must have something happened in her family of origin which made her go away from her present family. 在她的原生家庭一定发生了什么事使得她要离开现在这个家庭。
The fault of family education is an important origin cause of formation of minor's crime. 家庭教育失误是未成年人犯罪的重要成因。
What problem did Jacob's family of origin have? 雅各的原生家庭有何问题?
Although the main characteristic of this family was established before the origin of seed plants, they also showed some differences between the members of non-seed and seed plants. 尽管在种子植物出现之前该基因家族的基本特征便已经形成,但本研究依然发现该基因家族在种子植物和非种子植物中存在一定的差异。
The traditional thought of regarding man as superior to woman is an inherent origin with out-of-balance sex ratio of birth. And woman's lower status in family is its external origin. That women's quality is lower is its external manifestation. 男尊女卑、重男轻女等传统思想是出生性别比失衡的内在根源,妇女较低的家庭地位是出生性别比失衡的外在根源,妇女自身较低的素质是出生性别比失衡的外在表现。
The former being the culture traditions, the political systems, and the economic system, and the later such as the family origin, teachers 'socialization, peer group, the school culture and the community culture. 前者表现为文化传统、政治制度及经济体制的影响;后者表现为家庭出身、社会化过程、同辈群体、学校文化、社区文化等因素的影响。
Finally Angels in the book of "family, private ownership and national origin," had a scientific interpretation of theory of two production interpretation. 最后恩格斯在《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》这部著作中对两种生产理论进行了科学的解释。
In accordance of the documents and materials sufficiently mastered and the research fruits of former scholars, this paper presents a systematic and deep study about the family origin, biography, ideology of Wei Zhuang and the ideological content and artistic quality of his Tang poetry. 本文在充分掌握文献资料、吸取前人研究成果的基础上,对韦庄的家世、生平、思想,以及诗歌创作的思想性与艺术性进行了系统而深入的研究。
The ethnic groups sharing the same language family have same origin in language as well as close relations concerning the origin of nations. 操同一语族语言的民族,在语言上必然有共同的起源,同时在族源上也曾经有过密切的联系。
The text, based on the ready achievements in related studies, deliberately analyses the family origin of Wang Bo s notion of fate, and delves into its influence upon his literary cre-ation. 本文从已有研究成果出发,具体分析了王勃时命观念中的家学渊源,进而探讨了它给王勃的文学创作所带来的影响。
In the China traditional culture clannism, the common custom principle, the blood relationship culture, have formed our country family birth behavior special history culture origin. 中国传统文化中家族主义价值观、世俗主义的价值追求和建立在血缘关系基础上的代际义务规定,形成了我国家庭生育行为特殊的历史文化渊源。
If we say the poor family was the economic origin of her tragedy, the traditional social morals and hypocritical religion were the mental origin of her tragedy, and the capitalist class and its law directly caused her tragedy. 家庭贫困是苔丝悲剧的经济根源,传统社会道德与虚伪的宗教是苔丝悲剧的思想根源,而资产阶级势力以及它的法律和国家机器则是造成苔丝悲剧的直接原因。
Nation, mightiness and law& Talking it from family, private system and the origin of nation 国家、强力与法&从《家庭、私有制和国家起源》谈起
Exploration on WANG Yun's Family Background and his Academic Origin 王恽家世背景及学术渊源考察
In addition, there are also some problems with the rural industrial structure in the northwest area, such as the imbalance in industrial composition, the employment structure of the labor force and the skewed proportion of family income origin. 另外我国西北五省的农村产业结构还存在产业构成比重失衡、乡村劳动力就业结构以及农村家庭收入来源比例不协调等问题。
The third chapter focuses on the study of the current situation of the cultivation of Chinese family enterprises, including the origin and characteristics of Chinese family corporate culture, as well as the predicament and the causing reasons. 第三章重点研究了中国家族企业文化建设的现状,主要包括中国家族企业文化的本源与特征、中国家族企业文化建设的不足之处及原因分析。
Family factor includes the study variables: family origin, family income, parental education level and family rearing patterns. 家庭方面主要包括的研究变量有:家庭来源、家庭收入、父母受教育水平以及家庭教养方式。
To panoramic picture of the history from ancient times to the Han family punishment phase of the origin, development, change, and to shape the historical process. 旨在全景式地描绘从上古到汉末这一历史阶段中族刑起源、发展、变化以及走向定型的历史进程。
The first chapter briefly describes the Tan sitong family background and the theoretical origin of the ideas. 第一章简单介绍了谭嗣同的家世及其思想的理论渊源。
Patriarchy and primogeniture still defined the noble family life, while the notion of family origin, parental supremacy in marriage and endogamy controlled the noble marital life. 父权制、家长制、长子继承制仍然是制约贵族家庭生活的三大要素。而门第观念、父母包办、内婚制则主宰着贵族的婚姻生活。